Dr W B Mitchell Sr Education Project Inc
Just imagine if...
  ....Dr. Mitchell could see his dream come to fruition…his dream of helping families, churches and communities gain more access to educational scholarships, develop more competitive job skills and transform their economic circumstances.  

Nowjust visualize…how many people, who have had to discontinue their educational goals for whatever reason, would be able to continue their education and become gainfully employed with higher paying jobs and experience a more fulfilling life through self-sufficiency. 
Right now, we need your support! Your financial support would be greatly appreciated; however, your ability to become a part of a greater vision is of uttermost importance.

Sandra Mitchell Cloud
Executive Director of
Dr. W. B. Mitchell, Sr. Education Project Incorporated

... That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him... Ephesians 1:17